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Nepal's Current Account Surplus Hits Record High of Rs. 3.65 Trillion

Daily News Nepal

Current Account and External Trade Dynamics

A significant bright spot in Nepal's economic landscape has been the marked improvement in the current account and current account balance. As per the data released by Nepal Rastra Bank, the country recorded a substantial current account surplus of a staggering Rs. 3.65 trillion and 16 billion as of mid-March during the first nine months of the fiscal year 2080-81. This surplus can be attributed to a contraction in the trade deficit compared to the corresponding period in the previous year.

Imports have witnessed a decline of 2.8 percent, reflecting the economic slowdown and subdued domestic demand. Conversely, exports have also contracted by 3.7 percent, amounting to Rs. 113.95 billion during the review period. However, the export-import ratio remained stable at 9.8 percent, mirroring the previous year's level.

The narrowing trade deficit has been a major contributing factor to the current account surplus, offering a respite to the external sector. Notably, while exports to India and other countries declined by 6.2 percent and 2 percent respectively, exports to China surged by an impressive 232 percent, highlighting the potential for diversification of export markets.

Inflation Trajectory and Remittance Inflows: On the inflation front, Nepal has witnessed a moderation in price pressures compared to the previous year. The annual point consumer inflation stood at 4.61 percent in March 2080, a significant decline from the 7.76 percent recorded in the same month the previous year. This downward trend in inflation can be attributed to a multitude of factors, including subdued domestic demand, prudent monetary policy measures, and favorable global commodity price movements.

A crucial lifeline for Nepal's economy has been the robust inflow of remittances from its migrant workforce. During the review period, monthly remittances averaged a remarkable Rs. 1.21 billion and 40 million, with March witnessing an influx of this magnitude. Cumulatively, over the nine-month span, remittances soared to Rs. 10.82 trillion, marking a substantial 19.8 percent year-on-year increase.

This surge in remittance inflows has had a cascading effect on the domestic financial sector, contributing to a significant rise in bank deposits, which swelled by a staggering Rs. 4.9 trillion during the review period. This influx of funds has bolstered the liquidity position of banks and financial institutions, potentially paving the way for enhanced credit disbursement and economic activity.

Foreign Exchange Reserves and Fiscal Dynamics: Nepal's foreign exchange reserves have witnessed a remarkable upswing, increasing by an impressive 22.7 percent to reach a robust $14.36 billion at the end of March. This substantial reserve cushion is sufficient to cover 15 months of goods imports and 12.5 months of goods and services imports, providing a much-needed buffer against external shocks and reinforcing the country's ability to meet its import obligations.

On the fiscal front, the government's total expenditure for the nine-month period amounted to a substantial Rs. 9.9 trillion and 39 billion. Simultaneously, revenue mobilization efforts have yielded Rs. 7.48 trillion and 4 billion, reflecting the government's commitment to fiscal consolidation and prudent resource management.

Credit Dynamics and Interest Rate Environment: The private sector, which is often hailed as the engine of economic growth, has witnessed an upswing in credit flow during the review period. Loans extended by banks and financial institutions to the private sector have risen by an encouraging 4.6 percent, amounting to Rs. 222.21 billion. This increased credit availability has the potential to catalyze investments, fuel economic activity, and provide a much-needed impetus to the recovery process.

Complementing the surge in credit flow, the interest rate environment has also become more conducive for borrowers. Loan interest rates have decreased by a significant 2.3 percentage points, with the average loan interest rate of commercial banks standing at 10.55 percent by the end of March, down from the 12.84 percent recorded in the previous year. Deposit interest rates have also witnessed a moderation, declining by 1.73 percentage points on average.

This favorable interest rate environment can incentivize borrowing for productive purposes, stimulate consumption and investment, and alleviate the debt servicing burden on existing borrowers, thereby providing a tailwind to the overall economic recovery process.

Educational Expenditure and Domestic Capacity Building: While the external sector indicators have exhibited resilience, one area of concern has been the substantial outflow of funds related to Nepali students pursuing higher education abroad. During the nine-month period, an estimated Rs. 95.85 billion was spent on educational expenses abroad, highlighting the need for concerted efforts to enhance domestic educational capacity and retain human capital within the country's boundaries.

This outflow not only exerts pressure on the country's foreign exchange reserves but also underscores the necessity for strategic investments in developing world-class educational institutions and academic programs. By fostering a conducive environment for quality education within Nepal, the country can potentially stem the outflow of funds and nurture its human resources, ultimately contributing to long-term economic development and self-sufficiency.

Challenges and the Road Ahead: Despite the positive indicators and resilience exhibited by the external sector, Nepal's economy continues to grapple with challenges, particularly in the domestic sphere. The internal economy has yet to demonstrate significant improvement, as evidenced by the decline in both exports and imports, coupled with a contraction in goods production.

This underscores the ongoing weaknesses in domestic economic activity and highlights the need for concerted efforts to revive consumer demand, boost industrial output, and stimulate private sector investment. Addressing structural bottlenecks, enhancing infrastructure, and fostering an enabling business environment will be crucial in unlocking the full potential of the internal economy.

While acknowledging the progress made on various fronts, the government and economic experts emphasize the need for sustained and comprehensive efforts to address the lingering challenges. The positive trends observed in external indicators provide a solid foundation for further economic recovery and development, but a holistic approach tackling both external and internal economic dynamics will be pivotal in achieving sustainable and inclusive growth.

By implementing prudent policies, fostering an investment-friendly climate, and capitalizing on the country's inherent strengths, Nepal can navigate through the prevailing headwinds and pave the way for a more prosperous and resilient economy.


This article has been edited with the assistance of agencies and government statistics. While efforts have been made to ensure accuracy, errors in data may occur. We encourage readers to verify the data independently for confirmation.

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