Transparency International Nepal raises alarm on increasing corruption suppression and shielding of powerful individuals

Transparency International Nepal raises alarm on increasing corruption suppression and shielding of powerful individuals
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Transparency International Nepal has sounded the alarm over an increasing trend of suppressing corruption cases and shielding powerful individuals from investigations and prosecution. In a strongly-worded statement issued on Thursday, the anti-corruption watchdog's president, Padmini Pradhanang, expressed deep concern about the growing incidents of corruption, fraud, and misappropriation of public funds being brushed aside due to political interests and transactions.

"We are witnessing serious criminal matters including corruption, fraud, misappropriation of public property and funds being suppressed based on political interests and transactions," Pradhanang stated. "There is a disturbing pattern of not initiating proceedings, not allowing investigations to be conducted, not proceeding with cases, keeping those in power out of the investigative circle, stopping ongoing probes, and even acquitting those found guilty by the courts."

Transparency International Nepal vehemently criticized the practice of granting immunity from prosecution based on an individual's access to power and influence. Pradhanang emphasized that it is equally unjust to misuse state power against citizens due to conflicts of interest, reciprocity, or revenge.

"No one in the country should be exempted from the legal process under any pretext, and all citizens should receive the protection guaranteed by the constitution and laws," she asserted. "Otherwise, the rule of law will be mocked by impunity, and the country will head towards serious discomfort due to the weakening of good governance."

The anti-graft body has called upon responsible authorities to take heed of the harsh reality and uphold the principles of accountability and equal treatment under the law, irrespective of an individual's position or status.

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