Nepalese Healer Offers Chakra Healing in the United Kingdom

Nepalese Healer Offers Chakra Healing in the United Kingdom
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A traditional Nepalese healer is introducing the ancient practice of sound therapy to the United Kingdom, offering an alternative approach for treating mental and physical ailments.

Shri Baleshwari Devi, a former media professional from Nepal, arrived in Britain a month ago and has begun providing two forms of treatment - chakra healing for mental health issues like anxiety, fatigue, depression and insomnia, and physical healing for visible or invisible diseases of the body.

The chakra healing method aims to unify the mind and bring individuals to a state of emptiness by activating and balancing the seven chakras, or energy centers, in the human body through the vibrations produced by a singing bowl.

"Chakra healing plays an important role in preventing diseases that may occur unexpectedly," Devi claims. "The signs of future illness can also be resolved through this method, which relaxes the body and regulates blood circulation."

For serious conditions like depression and fear, Devi recommends at least seven daily sessions of the 40-minute chakra healing therapy. However, she notes that even a single session can help balance physical and mental health, reducing general fatigue.

The sound vibrations are also said to aid in healing conditions like broken bones, wounds, ear problems, and hearing loss. Devi, who has been practicing this centuries-old Nepalese tradition for three years, claims to have successfully treated over 100 diseases so far.

One of her clients, Sita Sapkota from Woolwich in London, has expressed amazement at the positive effects of the therapy on her mental stress and overall well-being after just two sessions.

While the therapy is gaining interest globally, with people from America and Europe traveling to Nepal to study it, Devi cautions that it cannot be undertaken by individuals with certain medical implants like pacemakers or metal rods, as the vibrations could dislodge these devices.

As this ancient Himalayan singing bowl therapy finds a new audience in Britain, it presents an intriguing alternative for those seeking holistic approaches to physical and mental wellness.

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